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1.  CHOOSE YOUR IMPLEMENTATION APPROACH: Review the Implementation Guide in the Teacher Prep Materials packet here and select the set-up option that works best for your classroom.
2.  ASSIGN ROLES: Complete the Lives in Balance Role Assignment Sheet and email the completed sheet to
3.  SHARE ROLE PREP INFORMATION: Download and share the corresponding role-playing preparation packets with your students based on their assigned roles.

Student Role: California Governor
Student Role: Nevada Governor
Student Role: New Mexico Governor
Student Role: Arizona Governor
Student Role: Principal Deputy Director, CDC
Student Role: US Deputy Secretary of Commerce

4.  SHARE PRE-SIMULATION POWERPOINT: Share this PowerPoint with your students to introduce them to the basic shared social studies knowledge they'll need to play iThrive Sim: Lives in Balance. You can view a PDF version of the PowerPoint here.
5.  WATCH LIVES IN BALANCE TRAILER: Share the Lives in Balance trailer with your students.
6.  HAVE STUDENTS WATCH ITHRIVE SIM TUTORIAL: In this tutorial video, students can preview how to navigate the iThrive Sim platform before the simulation begins.