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In September 2022, iThrive Games' Executive Director and Chief Scientist Dr. Susan Rivers joined forces with History Co: Lab's Dr. Fernande Raine to design and deliver a dynamic learning experience as part of the Summer Academy for university students hosted by Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. In the first week, students led discussions to explore themes vital to international relations and the work of sustainable world-building. In the second week, they were immersed in systems and design thinking, contending with the topics and themes they covered in the first week in the games they designed. The interactive workshops invited them to reflect on the world they live in meaningfully and envision the world they want to create, all while discovering and affirming the strengths they have and can use with others to make that world real. The five game prototypes created by the end of the experience addressed real-world challenges, including climate change, an international issue, amid conflicting state agendas and the crafty "tricks" used in disinformation spread. The prototypes also explored the power of voice and public speaking, the rules and dynamics of political negotiation, and the connectedness of themes across moments in history.