Come See iThrive Games at IPPA and Serious Play!
iThrive Games is excited to have a presence at two conferences this month. From Thursday, July 13 to Sunday, July 16, Michelle Bertoli will be at the International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA) Fifth World Congress (Palais des congrès de Montréal, Canada). She'll present a poster on iThrive Games' theory of change for how games can support teens' positive growth on Friday afternoon from 2:30-3:30. Please stop by!
Then, catch our team at Serious Play (George Mason University, Virginia) from Tuesday, July 18 to Thursday, July 20. We're sponsoring afternoon coffee on Tuesday from 3:30-4 and on Wednesday from 3-3:30. As you grab your afternoon pick-me-up, make sure to visit us at our sorting table, where we'll reveal your signature strength! On Thursday at 10 a.m., don't miss Susan Rivers and Heidi McDonald, who'll be co-presenting on "Guiding Principles for Teen Games."
We can't wait to learn from and connect with you at the conferences this month!
Tweet about it:
@iThriveGames, #thisishowithrive
@IPPAnet, #WCPP17, #positivepsychology
@SeriousPlayConf, #SeriousPlayConf