Call for Abstracts: Issue 2 of the Journal of Games, Self, & Society
Journal of Games, Self, & Society (JGSS), a peer-reviewed journal created and edited by iThrive Games and published by ETC Press, publishes original research and scholarship examining the benefits to humans and to society when games include humanity as a core design element. JGSS encourages interdisciplinary research, conversation, and community focused on how games, game design, and gameplay contribute to a deeper understanding of learning, health, and humanity. We enthusiastically seek original works that push the boundaries of what we know - or what we think we know - about how games impact our lives emotionally and socially. The theme of our next issue is, humanity is the core mechanic.
We invite researchers, scholars, and developers from across academic disciplines and industries to submit extended abstracts for consideration in the second issue of JGSS. Abstracts are due by May 10, 2019, and authors will be notified of their status by late May. Abstracts will undergo anonymous peer review and authors whose abstracts are found to be of good fit, adequate rigor, and theoretical soundness will be invited to submit a full paper for consideration. Full papers are due by September 10, 2019, and will undergo blind peer review. Notifications of acceptance will follow in November. Accepted works will be published in Issue 2 of JGSS, in early 2020.
How to Submit:
Extended abstracts should be anonymized and follow APA formatting. The abstract should not exceed 1,000 words, excluding references. Please include in your abstract a brief introduction to your research topic, an overview of the theoretical or empirical underpinnings and relevant literature, methodology (if relevant), and findings of interest. Abstracts should also include a brief statement as to how this research advances the mission of the JGSS to a deeper understanding of learning, health, and humanity through games.
Abstracts should be sent to jgss@ithrivegames.org no later than 11:59 PM local time on May 10, 2019. More information about the journal can be found here.