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Senior Director of Operations & Mental Health
Senior Director of Operations & Mental Health
Jane Lee, P.M.P. is Senior Director of Operations and Mental Health at iThrive Games, where she uses her expertise in psychology and project management to direct the production of games and tools that support positive youth development. She earned her B.A. in psychology from Syracuse University and is a certified project manager. Prior to iThrive, Jane assessed SAMHSA, OAH, and school-based programs at the Centerstone Research Institute (CRI), leading evaluation plan designs, cross-team collaboration, and data collection coordination. Always operationally gifted, she was integral in the planning and implementation of CRI's technology and youth wellness initiative in 2014, which ultimately became iThrive Games. An active gamer, Jane combines two passions at iThrive: games and psychology, believing play can strengthen skills in young people like pattern literacy, logic, teamwork, and creative problem-solving, to support them in meaningful, wellness-supporting ways.
A strength you admire in teens: "They way they question our world and have a natural inclination towards shaking things up for the better."
Favorite iThrive project: "I loved working on iThrive Sim during the pandemic because I got to see how impactful it was for teens to have a space to play, connect, and communicate at a time when distance learning meant being muted on Zoom.