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Kells Ehrlich, Samuel Dassler, Tyler Rae, MJ Quigley


In Blob town, you are a upper middle class scavenger in a blobby town. You have the option to use the items you find to make more money and reach personal prosperity, or to invest it back into the town via towns blobs who need those items most. If you choose to prosper selfishly, your house and personal appearance will become lavish and rich, but the community you live in will begin to suffer. If you invest into the community, the terrain becomes lush, your water is clean, your people are healthy, and you remain middle class. This game represents the responsibility privileged people have to give back to their community. They may personally prosper more from direct capitalistic ideas, but the community around them (that they have to live in) will become sad, unhealthy, and possibly dangerous. Indirect consequences and benefits are very real in a society, and people in privilege should be aware of this when making selfish choices.

Download the zip file and run the .exe (Windows) or .app (Mac) file. *Note that the BlobWorld_Win AND BlobWorld_Win_Data need to be downloaded to run on Windows.